Help Using the PVIK Archive

Use the Search box at the top of any page to enter words or phrases that describe what you're looking for. (Don't forget to click the magnifying icon to begin the search.)

The archive will look for matches in titles, descriptions, and audio transcripts. If you enter more than one word, it will find every instance of each word. 

  • For example, if you search for zikr of light, the archive will find every item that has zikr in it and every item that has light in it. 

To search for an entire phrase, put it in quotation marks.

  • For example, if you search for "zikr of light," the archive will find only those items that have that exact phrase in it. 

The results of your search will be listed on the Search Results page. From there, you can select the item you're interested in. 

The Explore option opens the Explore the Archive page. It shows all the resources currently in the archive. To find a specific resource, you can use any or all of the listed Search Filters. 

  • For example, to find resources from a retreat you attended at the Abode in 1987, you could select:

    • Audio, Transcript, 1980s, Retreat, and Abode. If you’re looking for a specific topic or topics, you could add those filters, as well.

    • Note that you can expand the list of some filters by selecting the link at the end of the displayed list.

  • As you select each filter, the archive automatically updates the list of results to match your criteria.

  • You can also use the two Sort drop-downs at the top right of the list to re-order the results.

To open a specific resource, select the Title link for that resource. This opens a page where you will find all the details about the resource. Refer to the next section for options on that page. 


The detail page displays the title of the selected resource and additional information based on the resource type (eg: audio vs. video).

  • A photograph will appear as a thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the photo. Use the browser back button to return to the details page. 

  • The player for a recording follows the title. You can play the recording right here or download it to play offline. Click the three dots, then select Download.

  • If a transcript is available, a thumbnail of it is listed below the player. 

    • Click on the thumbnail to open and download the transcript. Refer to the next section for download details.

    • You can also view the transcript by scrolling down the page where the full text of the transcript is displayed.

When you click the thumbnail for a transcript, the transcript opens in PDF format. 

  • To download the PDF, select the downward pointing arrow in the top right of the window.

  • To print the PDF, select the printer icon in the top right of the window.

  • To return to the detail page, use the browser back button.

When you select COLLECTIONS from the menu or the Collections button on the Home page, the archive displays a list of all the current collections. You can select the thumbnail or the underlined title of a collection to see all its items.

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