Zoroastrian Meditation #2
- Title
- En Zoroastrian Meditation #2
- Date
- En 1976-Nov-23
- Decade
- En 1970s & Earlier
- City, State
- En New Lebanon, NY
- Location
- En Abode
- Description
- En Slow, guided meditation with light practices from Zoroastrianism, moving from concentration to contemplation. Zoroastrianism represents the victory of light over the darkness and is the path to illumination.
- Topic(s)
- En Meditation Practice
- Religions
- Subtopic(s)
- En Concentration; Contemplation; Being of light; Zoroastrianism
- Type of event
- En Family Talk/Class
- Type of publication
- En Recording
- Media
- En Audio
- Transcript
- Extent
- En 0:26:19
- Identifier
- En L7640
- File Format
- En mp3
- Language
- En English
- Digitizing Team
- En Abad
- TajAli Keith
- Telema Hess
- Author(s)
- En Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
- Full Text
Zoroastrianism … It's the religion of the victory of light over darkness, continually communicating with the Heavenly spheres, opening up another universe that is subjacent to the physical one, and is what we mean by the angelic spheres.
It's important because this is the path to illumination. It's important because perhaps the most wonderful condition of the human being is when he has become absolutely radiant and luminous, crystal clear in his understanding... all qualities that are generally ascribed to light. There's a way of doing it and if we did these practices every day we would feel the effect of them. It is basically working with light, just like a musician works with sound.
There are practices in concentration. But the real breakthrough is at a time when one passes from the concentration to the contemplation ... that is, from the time that, instead of thinking of oneself as a physical body, one identifies oneself with being a being of light. But it takes very much work with light to be able to reach this point.
The first practice that I suggest is representing to yourself that you're advancing into a bright light, like the light of dawn, and breaking through the mist, and kind of walking towards the dawning sun in a kind of enormous flat desert. Just feel those rays cast in your direction. And the whole idea is to walk into the light and open up one's heart so that one is in a state of readiness to receive it. Enjoy the warming action of the light and advance into it with very much courage. It may blind one, burn one's retina and, all the same, one walks right into it unflinchingly.
And what is important is, of course, to experience the reaction of one's body and one's mind, of course, and so on, to the action of the light, just like one tends to respond to the sun if one is sunbathing or a flower tends to respond to the sun by opening up its petals.
The second practice that I would suggest is looking into a dark horizon and representing a spot of light suspended in the middle of the dark. Just have a bright spot and keep your attention very strongly on that point. Don't let it move. Don't let it shift.
And now, intentionally, you can make it move forward and see how you're carried in the wake of that forward moving comet, as it were, further and further away.
Now, the next practice is more elaborate. It is the drops of light, just like drops of water falling upon a surface of water that begins to produce ripples. And there's all of this ... scintillating droplets of light everywhere and all the resulting spasms, as it were, on the surface of the water. It is developing ripples, vortices that extend further and further and then criss-cross and all of this against the dark background. It's a kind of real festival of light.
Now, the next thing to do is simply to let yourself be carried now, so you're beyond any kind of concentration. You just have to be carried into a sort of consciousness of intense moving light, whether it is in the form of criss-crossing beams or spectra of light in the sky.
At this point you do not force a pattern upon your mind but you let yourself be carried by your own inner creativity. Just let go into a world of light, surrounding you, penetrating you, on all sides. [long pause]
You'll find it more helpful if you turn your eyeballs upwards and let go of the earth consciousness. [long pause]
And just be very transparent, translucent, exactly the opposite of the material nature of the body. It's exactly the opposite. You're transparent, like a crystal.
Concentrate particularly on the areas above the head. It's just like spheres that open up. It looks like a sphere of light and then it opens up and beyond it there's a still further one. You have to, of course, continually think of yourself as being a being of light that has adopted a body out of the substance of the earth. It's a matter of a very strong concentration to keep on identifying yourself with being a being of light and refusing to identify yourself at any time with the physical matter.
There are two dimensions here, or two layers maybe. There is the fact of being an aura and the effect of being a luminous consciousness. Those are two different levels.
When you are conscious of being surrounded with … like a mantle of light or rather, of BEING a body of light--if you think you're surrounded with light you may still be in your physical consciousness--if you're conscious of being a being of light, then the physical shroud seems to have faded out of focus. And then there is the consciousness of being a pure luminous consciousness, which is another level of consciousness … and you can shift from one level to the other.
The state of illumination is reached when one has awakened from one's physical and etheric and even auric consciousness to realize oneself as being a luminous consciousness that casts its light upon all things. And then the body is just the support of that light. It's the lamp in which light is cast and even the aura is simply the ... perhaps, a subtler part of the lamp, but still the lamp, not the light. [long pause]
It is the consciousness of being a luminous consciousness that strengthens the aura. And Sufis speak about light upon a light. It's like the light from above, that is the pure consciousness, that settles upon the light from below, that is the aura. If you can be conscious of both of course it's wonderful.
And you'll find that consciousness of the aura is, in some way, bound with the radiance of the heart chakra. If you can radiate very strongly from your heart center, reaching around your shoulders and in your shoulder blades, while still maintaining the consciousness of being a luminous consciousness--say the awareness of being a luminous consciousness-- [long pause]
Sometimes the consciousness of the aura is accompanied by hearing a kind of very high vibrations.
Part of Zoroastrian Meditation #2