
January 14, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! Once again, it is time for us to update you on the progress of the Pir Vilayat Archive Project. You are receiving this email because you donated to support the project or asked to be on the update list. If you are no longer interested in receiving this quarterly newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe below.

We have accomplished so much in the last three months! One reason is that a long time murid, Ata’allah Bill Meacham, has joined the core team. He worked in the software industry for over 20 years and his expertise has enabled us to create a prototype of the archive using Omeka S. This is a huge accomplishment and we are so grateful for his dedication and service!

Seeking feedback on Pir Vilayat Digital Archive site

Our next focus is to determine how to categorize and present the content of the archive. The digital archive of Pir Vilayat’s teachings will enable you to listen to his voice and/or read a transcript of his talks. It will also include some of his writings, such as “Keeping in Touch” and links to videos on YouTube. We look forward to adding materials in French and German. 

We have built the basic framework and now need to know how you would use such a resource. What would you look for? How would you like to search the site? If you would like to help us organize the search categories and give feedback on the new site, please send an email to